Colorado Springs Dentistry for Children

The American Dental Association recommends that a child’s first visit to the family dentist occur within six months after the baby’s first tooth appears, and no later than the baby’s first birthday. It is important to establish good oral hygiene habits from a young age. Good oral health can reduce the risk of cavities as a child grows and can increase the likelihood of healthy permanent teeth. Strong healthy teeth contribute to a child’s overall health, and help a child chew and speak. A healthy smile can also help boost a child’s confidence.

Children of all ages are welcome at Apple Grove Dental. Our office is designed to be kid-friendly and comfortable for the whole family. Kids can pick a prize from the treasure chest at the end of the visit!

Oral check-ups every six months help ensure a bright and healthy smile. When was your child’s last professional check-up? Call us at (719) 355-7737 or fill out our contact us form today to schedule an appointment. Learn more about our preventative dentistry services including dental sealants.